When you set up a RUV, a Raise Dashboard is automatically created for you. This dashboard allows you to manage both direct and RUV investments. The direct investment link lets investors commit directly to the company’s cap table, while the RUV link guides investors through the RUV investor flow.


You can see a high level overview of status of the round. Total Raised is the total amount marked as received from RUV and Direct Investors. Total Committed is the total amount committed by both direct and RUV investors. The Total Committed amount may be higher than the Total Raised amount if the investments have not been marked as received.

Investors will not be able to see who else invested or how much was raised. This information and the progress bar is just for you.


From the investor Tab, you will be able to track the status of the commitments for all the investors in the round (both Direct and RUV).

For a cleaner view, you can filter the list by source (Direct or RUV) or by Status (Signed or Funds Received)

What does ACH in transit mean?

ACH (electronic transfer) in transit means that the investor has elected to send their investment via ACH. Depending on the bank, an ACH transfer will generally take 3-5 business days to complete.

Once it arrives in their funding account, we automatically apply it to their commitment in the RUV.

What does Awaiting Wire mean?

Domestic wires take at least 1 full business day to arrive. International wires can take 5-10 business days. AngelList has no control over how long it takes for an LP’s wire to arrive at our bank.

If an LP is wondering why their wire hasn’t arrived in their AngelList account, in most cases it is because they sent the wire just recently. If an LP’s wire arrives at our bank account today, you will see it as completed on your dashboard the next business day.

If the investor confirmed that the wire was sent but it is still not showing up in your dashboard ask the investor to share a formal copy of the wire receipt or a Fedwire reference number and send it to rollups@angellist.com.

What does Pending KYC mean?

When an investor on the AngelList Venture platform invests for the first time, we put them through a KYC (Know Your Customer) process. The investors must provide personal information to prove who they are, and potentially upload ID documents. Until this is complete, their investment will not be completed.

investors who are still pending full identity verification will have a yellow “Pending KYC” badge next to their name in the Signed column.

If you notice an investor is pending KYC, don’t worry– our team regularly follows up with all investors that haven’t completed this process. If you notice an investor that has been in the pending KYC status for more than a few days, feel free to reach out to your account manager to get an update.

Roll Up Vehicles

You can see the terms of the deal you set for investors in the RUV section of your round under the RUV summary.

You can make changes to your RUV terms at any point during the raise by clicking the pencil icon next to the close date or clicking Customize RUV.

Editing the RUV will adjust your Raise round terms and vice versa. Additionally, some changes might require an Opt-out.

If for any reason you need to make changes to your company information while your RUV is open, please reach out to rollups@angellist.com.


You can list all of your co-investors and the amount they invested in the round. Note - all investors added to this list must be investing on the same terms as this RUV. If this is not the case, do not add the co-investor to this list.


Share a note with investors about the company and the round. We also recommend adding a pitch deck. Here is a template you can use.

Adding a Memo during the application process will help us expedite the review.

Risks & Disclosures

This should not be removed as this is a requirement from our legal team. However, you are free to add more Risk disclosure that are more specific to your company. Here is an example:


“Other disclosures” is where we disclose that we will proxy the voting rights to an employee of the company.

We cannot Proxy back the voting rights to investors in the RUV. Only an employee of the company can hold voting rights.