
What is a data room, and why are they helpful?

Investors value having a single source of information related to your raise so that they can review your deck, metrics, traction, historical financials, and other relevant data about your company. Data rooms aim to solve this by providing a simple way for you to share information with investors without linking to various websites, PDFs, or documents.

If an investor is considering making an investment in your company, you can grant them access to a data room with relevant round information. If they choose to not move forward, just remove them from the data room—no need to ask them to delete documents. The data room can be configured to allow or not allow downloads, and it automatically records investor viewing activity in the data room.

How can I create a data room through AngelList?

Navigate to Raise > Data Rooms and click New.

Once done, you’ll be able to add more information, preview the data room, or send it via URL.

What do the privacy settings mean?

Privacy SettingsBest Suited ForWhat it does
Allow anyone with the link (without email)Public filesAllows anyone directly without collecting email address
Allow anyone with the link (with email collection)Slide decks and sales collateralCollects the email addresses of viewers but does not send a confirmation email to make sure that is really them
Allow anyone with the link and a valid emailSlide decks with confidential informationCollects the email address of viewers and sends a verification email with a link that they must click to view the actual data room
Limit ownership to the emails listedBoard Meetings and Confidential DataRequires the data room creator to specify which emails should have access and confirms ownership of the email address with a verification link sent to the email when a visitor attempts to open the room

For any of these options, you can choose to set a passcode as well.

Can I track who has accessed the data room?

Yes, scroll to the bottom of the data room page for a log of viewers.